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Rescheduled B.Tech Time Table is published.

Rescheduled B.Tech Time Table is published. Rescheduled Time Table of B.Tech Examinations (Regular & Supplementary) April / May 2018 - scheduled to be conducted from 25th May 2018 to 18th June 2018 is published herewith.

Rescheduled Time Table

S1 and S2

4th june calculus
8th june sustainable
12th june indroduction to ..
19th june cp

Regular Exam (Sem 4) Cse

1. 01/06/18(FN) - Fri - PDD
2. 05/06/18(FN) - Tue - BE
3. 06/06/18(FN) - Wed - LS
4. 11/06/18(FN) - Mon - OS
5. 13/06/18(FN) - Wed - OODP

Supple Exam (Sem 3) Cse

1. 05/06/18(FN) - Tue - BE
2. 06/06/18(FN) - Wed - LS
3. 18/06/18(FN) - Mon - LACA
4. 20/06/18(FN) - wed - DCS
5. 21/06/18(FN) - Thu - STLD
6. 22/06/18(FN) - Fri - DS
7. 25/06/18(FN) - Mon - EDC
